Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How does your social media strategy fit into business strategy?

Like all elements of strategy, your social media has to address needs and goals. Are you looking at it to affect marketing, sales, customer service, or something else? You need to think this through. The most common use is as a part of your marketing. Businesses use social media to reach more people and to present the business as a persona, participating in public discourse. Does it replace other more traditional marketing programs for you? Or is it an extension of other programs? Determine how it relates to the strategic marketing process of getting people to know, like, and trust you. Set realistic goals for realistic social media marketing tips business functions and benefits. Social media doesn’t do advertising well. It’s about participation and discussion, not just selling. It broadens your voice, but that doesn’t mean you’re able to just shout ad slogans at people. Social media can extend beyond marketing into other functional areas. My favorite example is the taco truck using Twitter to announce its location every day. And we can all see some larger companies using social media marketing tools it to soften the tone of complaints. Make sure you include these elements in your social media strategy if they fit your business and your overall strategy. What matters is that you position your social media with its business function in your business. It’s not just doing it because everybody says you should. Think of the business benefits.

More important, how will you execute that strategy?

Social media is littered with the remnants of business efforts that failed. That includes blogs with only a few posts, Facebook pages left unattended, Twitter accounts that are inactive, and so on. That’s because so many people think it happens automatically, when in fact you need to manage the work involved. One of the biggest fallacies in business social media is the idea that it just happens in your spare time. The accounts are free, but the updates take time and effort. Here’s where your business planning becomes very important: figure out where that time and effort is coming from. Who is going to do it marketing social media and where will they find the time to do it? If you and your people are already working well, how then do you add this new set of duties into the mix? Is there spare time to dedicate to this? What will people not be doing so they have time to do this? Good business planning involves not just high-level strategy but also day-to-day execution. Make sure your plan includes the details of what you expect to do with your various social media accounts, who is responsible, and how will you measure results. This is always a good question for business planning: As time goes on, how will you know whether you’re executing or not? With social media, as with any other component of your business plan, you develop your metrics as part of the plan. By metrics I mean numbers such as Facebook likes, Twitter followers, mentions, retweets, pluses, and so forth. There are tools for social media measurement available on the web (just search social media measurement and you’ll see). The main thing is having benefits of social media marketing the discipline to not only track but also to follow up with reviews and revisions. Your original plans will need changing. Unforeseen factors will require reviewing goals and metrics, changing responsibilities, and adjusting the strategy. Like everything else in your business, the planning, which includes regular review and course correction, is what ends up generating the management and steering the business.

Why Social Media Is An Essential Part Of Your Business Plan

2014 has been another thrilling year in the world of social media, from Instagram reaching 300 million users, surpassing Twitter, Facebook’s continuous algorithm updates pushing organic reach to a plummeting death, LinkedIn’s new publishing platform giving users a powerful way to build their brand, and SnapChat establishing themselves as a bigger player by displaying advertisements and sponsored stories. These updates are just dusting the surface of social media changes over the past year, but what does this all mean for your marketing plan in 2015? We all know that social media is critical to every business’s marketing initiatives (especially those in creative using social media for marketing industries like craft marketing). Not having active social channels for your business is equivalent to showing up to work without pants; it’s embarrassing and not socially accepted. No one wants to be the idiot who shows up to work in their underwear, but what’s the point of maintaining social channels if they’re not adding value to your business? Well, there is none. You should be using social to do one or several of the following: establishing and growing brand recognition, gaining qualified leads, or improving customer relationships (ideally all three). In my post last year covering social media strategy suggestions for 2014, I stressed tactics such as social media marketing strategies creating a social media marketing plan and sticking to it, going above and beyond in social media customer service, embracing mishaps, and so on. Let me assure you, these strategies are all still critical, but with the New Year upon us I have some new and improved tips up my sleeve to add to your social media marketing plan for 2015.

Use results to better understand consumer behavior and reaction to your products/services

What better way to gauge customer demand than to ask them yourselves? Don’t be afraid to engage your followers and get their opinions. Doing so can help identify both areas of strength and weakness. As we discussed earlier, prompt response to comments is key to developing a relationship with your followers.As you can see in the example above, Wal-Mart does an excellent job addressing customer concerns. The first comment cues them social media marketing jobs in to the fact that that there is a high demand for a certain product because it is sold out at the local store. Wal-Mart directs the customer to a site where they can search other stores for the product. The second comment indicates a customer concern about order fulfillment. Wal-Mart addresses it and directs the person to a site where they can make suggestions on how the company can improve. I find in my marketing practice, social media intimidates many small businesses. If you approach it like any other form of marketing and develop a plan, it can become a very useful and effective tool which complements your traditional marketing strategies. What started as college kids on Facebook has grown up. At first it was updates and gossip and who’s a couple and who’s not. Then came Twitter and now Google+ and the reminder that LinkedIn, social media and marketing which started years earlier, was there too. Somebody named it social media. And now almost every business in the world is either participating, thinking about participating, or explaining to itself why not. And it’s time to relate that back to your basic business planning.

Following news for current and relevant content

As with most companies, some of your content marketing will be focused on industry news and events. This is why keeping informed of relevant news and events means you will be able to react quickly and creatively to opportunities which can boost your on-line exposure. Many social media managers monitor several different keywords, hashtags, social group and Twitter in order to keep up the date and in the know on trending topics. When the opportunity presents social media marketing agency itself, it is vital to be ready to respond. As stated above the value a great, insightful and quality piece of content can bring to a social media campaign cannot be overstated. This is why a business needs to spend the time brainstorming content and article ideas. Every business should always allocate time for it on a weekly basis. The reality is that without interesting ideas on content your goals and results will suffer in the long run. Content needs to be kept fresh, up-to-date and interesting in order to continue engaging an audience. An easy way of generating content ideas is to track your competitors and other influential blogs to see what content is working for them. Selling is not sharing. Share your sector expertise on a regular basis in terms of marketing, insights, research, social media marketing company social stories and commentary to establish your business, product or service as an influencer. For every 1 self-promotional content pieces shared, share 4 quality “industry relevant” articles, also share insightful articles from other authors, comment and add value (not plugging your own business) on forums and groups.

Social Media Marketing Strategy Plan for Your Business

Social media is more than just a fun way to engage and communicate with friends. It can be an extremely powerful business marketing tool if strategically implemented. A common mistake businesses make is failing to develop a formal social media plan. Having a plan for social media is just as important as it is any marketing strategy. A savvy business owner does not buy traditional advertising without developing a plan, and the same social media marketing plan template applies with social media. A social media marketing plan includes many of the same elements of a traditional marketing plan. Research into target markets and consumer purchasing is a must. Identifying brand strengths and weaknesses is also important. Once you’ve conducted research, it is time to start outlining strategies and developing your plan. Heer is your 6 step social media marketing strategy plan. With the many tasks involved with running a successful business, social media can fall by the wayside. Before your business embarks on a social media campaign, it is a good practice to identify a person or multiple people who will be in charge of monitoring and posting content. It is important for the social media manager(s) to not only ensure content is posted on a regular basis, but also social media marketing world monitor and respond to all comments and feedback. The assigned staff should be willing to monitor the company’s social pages 24/7, which can be easily accomplished through e-mail alerts and mobile apps.

How to create a social media strategy for your business

With the help of key employees, determine the main goals of your social media presence. Are they to attract more customers? Boost recognition of your brand? Improve customer service? Based on your goals, decide how you’ll measure your social media success (e.g. number of visits, number of followers and comments, how much your content is being shared, number of new sales leads, etc.) and set targets. Determine your target audience social media marketing strategy and its receptivity to various social media platforms. Focus your initial social efforts on platforms your audience likely uses most, experimenting as you go. Think about what kind of content will appeal to your target audience. Shoot for a balance of entertaining and educational material. Above all, avoid being overly self promotional—hard selling is a huge social media no-no. How do you develop your key messages? Use your market knowledge and research, organize a focus group, or seek professional advice. But don’t rely only on intuition, which could be misleading. Your content should encourage your fans and followers to engage with your company and ultimately become or remain your customers. To do so, it should present the human side of your business and provide followers with benefits such as information, advice or entertainment. Periodically, you can go further and make direct calls to action—asking people to purchase a new product, take advantage of a special offer or sign up for your newsletter. Now you’re ready to create your action plan. Who will do what? Tasks to assign in your company include monitoring social media traffic, creating content, social media marketing plan and posting to your sites and other social media sites. Allocate adequate resources to employee training, and consider hiring a social media manager. And be sure to communicate your social strategy to employees, working to secure the buy-in of staff, from top managers on down.

Social Media Marketing Plan

A social media marketing plan should not pose any major challenges to a small business. As in any growing business with a great product or service, the marketing team or person is most likely to be working on different tasks at different times and these tasks social media marketing companies can change rapidly depending on the business needs. However, even with taking this into consideration, social media is now so vital to business success there are some tasks that need to be planned as part of the daily marketing routine. Every article, news release, research or whitepaper are assets in a social media strategy to serve the goals that have been set. As with any business strategy you must know what you are working toward. Is it drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, generate new sales drive traffic, build up your network, reduce the cost per lead. Whatever of any or all of these you need goals and associated objectives clearly defined. When it comes to marketing the product or service, social media marketing success depends on the content strategy a business decides upon. Prior to writing, commissioning or publishing any content, a business needs to understand, what audience(s) are going to be targeted?, What type of voice (expert, commentator, industry) will you use social media marketing services to communicate? Who are you trying to influence? What specifically do you want to achieve (leads, likes, traffic, views or authority)? Allot of strategy answers are to be found in questioning the content strategy so everyone involved in the marketing and sales efforts need to know the why, what and who, understand it and is always in their minds. Content marketing strategy can then be tweaked and optimised as necessary.

Make sure there is new quality content to post

Fresh, quality, informative and relevant content is at the core of every social media campaign to reach target audiences and ensure engagement. To be seen as an influencer and sector expert it is vital to share new content consistently and regularly. New content social media marketing university when well written (not self- promotional or product articles) and engaging can propel a business forward. This is why the person in charge of the social media plan needs to make sure there is always some new content ready to be shared. There is no hiding the fact that writing content does take time and continuous effort so it needs to be planned. The social media plan needs to have a schedule when content will be shared so all social marketing activities tie back into other marketing events or business plans. Also a schedule will take account for any external events, key word targeting, launches, promotions or seasonal trends what is social media marketing that impacts your industry. This is why the content sharing calendar is so important for deciding what social media activities are in the pipeline. While not all content can be created and planned for weeks in advance of sharing, the core, and keyword targeted content pieces that demand more care and effort should be.

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan

Although “word of mouth” once greatly influenced the way customers obtained the information they needed to select products and services, social media has evolved “word of mouth” into a marketing opportunity with more reach and more dominance. According to a recent Nielsen report, 84% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and most take action based on those recommendations. That far exceeds the influence of TV ads, newspaper ads, how to start a social media marketing business and even company websites. In just ten years, Facebook grew from 1 million users to 1 billion users—a 1,000-fold increase. And over the past 6 years, Twitter has grown from 6 million users to more than half a billion. And social media isn’t just a phenomenon that merely attracts younger demographics. In 2005, 6% of those aged 50 to 64 used social networking sites. That percentage now stands at 60%. And for those aged 65 and older, that percentage has grown from 1% to 43%. Thus, in today’s marketing environment, social media presence isn’t merely a “niche” marketing option—it’s a necessity. As a result, it has fundamentally changed the way in which companies communicate with the public. Marketing is no longer a one-way communication process, but instead focuses on two-way conversations. There are important caveats to keep in mind. Although posting to social media sites doesn’t require spending a lot of money, it isn’t “free.” And you’ll need to devote a significant amount how to social media marketing of time generating relevant content to post and evaluating how well your social media campaign is meeting business objectives. Social media keeps friends connected so quickly and so comprehensively that even if you don’t contribute content, you’ll at least need to “listen” to what’s being said about your company, your brand, and your industry.

Can Social Media Help Your Business?

Social media is more than just a buzzword. There are opportunities and measureable results that it offers that can be extremely beneficial to companies of all sizes. While Facebook and Twitter may be included it’s more than that. Many times people get so caught up social media marketing 2014 in the tools that little time is spent talking and strategizing and about what social media can actually do. Tools are great if you know how to use them, but at some point the tools need to have purpose. It’s where there is no purpose that abuse becomes the end results. I often hear small to mid-size companies ask to help implement social media strategies into their overall marketing plan with a skewed outlook of what social media is and what its benefits are. However, if you know what social media isn’t, than it’s a lot easier to grasp what it can do. If you have a good product, a detailed business plan, and customer service policies in place and willing to invest time, here are a few things that social media can do for your business. Many Businesses get onto social media sites without developing best social media marketing a business plan for directing their social activities or developing a policy to handle problems that come up such as employee gossiping or negative comments from followers. Business owners feel overwhelmed by using social media and aren’t sure how to keep up with all the changes regularly introduced to different social media sites. Additionally, it can be hard to figure out what activities to do, in order to make social media effective.


Social media is an excellent and increasingly necessary way to spread your message and grow your business and a key part of any inbound marketing strategy. But a professional social media marketing plan is required to ensure success. These days almost every industry is being affected in some way by the power of social networks and the virility of online communication. At Sticky, we have have used social media marketing as an agency to grow our marketing by social media business for many years. We encourage the use of social media where appropriate and have numerous clients who rely on us to provide them with the expertise required to successfully integrate social media into a comprehensive online strategy. We believe that social media marketing, when used as part of a holistic online marketing strategy, can be an extremely successful way to amplify your message and engage core audiences. It is also becoming an increasingly important part of search engine optimisation (SEO). Like any good marketing, social media marketing requires a professional plan to ensure you make the most of your opportunities. We have also been ranked world-wide by Advertising Age Power 150 (USA) for Media Hunter, while Media Hunter has been ranked as one of the world’s top 100 advertising blog sites. Craig Wilson is also a contributing author to the international social media marketing books The Age of Conversation. We are in constant contact with some of the best marketing minds in the world and are privileged to social media marketing be in their company. We understand and know how to successfully implement the emerging social media marketing opportunities and can design a social media strategy for your business. It’s about starting a conversation with your audience, building trust and letting true values shine through.

Creating A Winning Social Media Plan

With social networks becoming more and more ingrained in everyday business communication and gaining widespread acceptance as a marketing channel, your company needs to know how to connect with your consumer base. So, do you have a plan around social media? With dozens of social networks that each offer unique benefits, the natural inclination is to jump on every platform, but unless you have multiple social media managers, the most effective way to communicate is to prioritize and create a business plan around social. With a strategy, you can target your time and effort to not only show up to the social party, social media marketing chicago but build real relationships with your connections. There is a difference between using social media, utilizing it correctly, and leveraging it for the needs and goals of your business. Studies indicate that 33% of consumers use social networks as a way they discover new brands, products or services, and if you’re not doing social media the right way, it’s really easy for a consumer to be put off and move on. Perhaps your business has a Facebook page, but it isn’t engaging with your fans. There’s the corporate Twitter account, but it’s produced only 14 tweets in the last year. And does it make sense for your small business to be invested social media brand marketing in Pinterest if the account has been dormant? Businesses jumping in without a plan happens more often than not because it’s simple to register with an email, choose a handle, and go through the motions. Successful social media players have more than just a presence. They’ve not only developed a strong social media plan, but they also allot real resources to engage and grow their user base on each network.

Realistic Metrics for Social Media Success

In order to achieve success, you first need to define what success will look like on social media. Take a critical look at how you use social media now. Has it been working for you? Are you able to see any growth as a result? Do you know how to measure that growth? Now, ask yourself what it is that you want to accomplish. Common social media goals can be enhancing customer awareness, promoting staff accomplishments, and sharing information cost of social media marketing about your company. Whatever your end goals may be, try to break them down into easily definable and measurable objectives. Be specific when you do this, so that you’ll be able to see definitively what is moving you towards completing these objectives. As you get more of a feel for what social marketing can achieve, and what you need it to do for you, you’ll be able to refine your goals and make them more realistic. Also, this is a great time to review your overall marketing plan as you look for ways to increase your social media presence. Who is reaching out to you on social and is already, organically engaging with your brand? How can you nurture and grow that community in an authentic way that also supports your team’s overall marketing efforts? What other methods could you use to connect with your audience, define social media marketing and how could you link your efforts to make them more effective? Define these personas and remember that they will determine your success or failure, so make sure that you know who they are, and how to best connect with them.

Social Networks Relevant to Your Business

Focus on specific social media networks that will most help you attract and engage your audience. This goes hand in hand with factor #2 above—the community you will be nurturing. How does your company want to connect with current and prospective customers. Is your brand voice personal or professional? Do you have resources for social media marketing plan pdf a two-way conversation, or will your strategy focus on broadcasting? The demographics of your base are also important here. How old are they? What is their gender? Further defining your audience will greatly help you choose the social network that works best for your audience. The Internet is a dynamic and evolving creature, which means that the content that you create for your social media has to be dynamic as well. A common pitfall among many organizations is not having enough fresh and interesting content for social media. Strive for content that is relevant, current, and genuinely applicable to your audience today. Plan ahead and dedicate resources for your social media efforts. It’s critical to have a content calendar to organize when you’re going to generate content and manage when the content will be pushed out. Will you have employees who will write it, or do you plan to use freelancers? Decide who will be social media marketing best practices creating the assignments and monitoring the quality of the work, and ensure that your social media plan not only allows for regular updates and posts, but speaks the language of that particular social network.

Implementing A Small Business Social Media Strategy Plan Your Content

As you develop your online presence, it is important to have a plan for the type of content that you will deliver to your existing and potential clients, and the frequency with which it will be delivered. You need to decide what you are going to post and when you are going to post it. The type of content that you deliver will be largely dependent upon your business and your goals for using social media and should be appropriate to both. Your content social media marketing course should be relevant and fresh, and focus on the clients rather than on your company. What do your existing and potential clients want to read about? What do they want to see? What do they want to learn? Social media is about sharing, not just advertising. Education-based marketing is usually more effective than a sales pitch. If you are viewed as an industry expert providing interesting content, you will be able to grow a loyal fan base. Content categories are the topics that you will cover; the type of content refers to the format in which it will be delivered. For example, if you own a yoga business, your content categories might include yoga positions, yoga for health, yoga for beginners and yoga retreats. You could support these topics by using a variety of content b2b social media marketing types, including photos of yoga positions, educational articles relating to the health benefits of yoga, video announcements for upcoming events, coupons for classes and links to your Web site. Along with establishing the categories and types of content that you want to deliver, you should determine your posting frequency. When deciding how often to post, remember that consistency is key. If your followers, fans and connections have grown to expect two educational articles each week, you don’t want to disappoint. Posting at random can make you appear unreliable and disorganized, and even the most loyal fans can lose interest. Posting on a regular schedule helps ensure that you stay on top of your social media strategy, while keeping your followers interested.

Social Media Do for You Execution Services

Knowing what is being said about you good or bad is vital to success in the online world. Business leaders who take the time to engage proactively, listen and respond can more easily build a loyal community who will want to tell the social world about how wonderful your products social media marketing plans and services are! After we get to know your brand and your community we can even send your tweets, post to Facebook and help you manage your entire online reputation. We even have an attorney available 24/7 in case any issues were to ever arise. We’ll work with you to develop a strategy, plan and execute all the details on your behalf. You will always know what is being shared, talked about and promoted on your social platforms as we work with you each month (or more frequently if you desire) to develop an editorial calendar that supports your business goals! Our team of community managers are experts at community engagement, online conversations and can help connect your audience to you and your brand. We’ll inspire them with good content that will help them achieve social media marketing podcast their goals and objectives. By better supporting your community via the social networks your loyal community evangalists will come forward, new tribe members will become evangelists and the list of benefits go on! This service requires at minimum the social media audit to get started.

Social Media Strategic Plan

This is by far our most popular social business service. We’ll first complete the social media audit and then partner with you to create a fully custom social media plan that delivers real results! We’ll help you prioritize audiences and the right social platforms to drive desired business outcomes. We’ll teach you to identify real estate social media marketing key industry influencers and develop a plan to attract and engage them. We’ll create a content and engagement strategy that helps humanize your brand, empower employees as brand evangelists and reduce risk with crisis preparedness plans and policies. We can even conduct focus groups with your clients, partners, executive leadership, staff to gain insights into brand perception and market needs. We’ll select and prioritize the KPIs and a measurement system so you can continuously measure, and optimize results. We help entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 brands leverage social media to achieve desired outcomes. We offer a full suite of services including consulting, corporate training, social media marketing blogs event marketing, brand development, digital web design and content marketing. We help you tap into the power of social and new media to increase brand awareness, build and nurture communities and earn the support of loyal brand evangelists. We help you better understand your audience, empower your employees and develop an integrated social and digital platform that works even when you’re not working.

Integrating Social Media Strategy Into Your Business Plan

Today’s world revolves around social media. It has become a vital part of people’s lives and it has become a vital part for companies to interact with customers and obtain feedback from them. Start thinking about how to use social; that is, if you have serious intentions of having your business survive and make it rich in the competitive world out there. Companies need to be smart and incorporate social media into their plans at the earliest, how to do social media marketing so that they can derive advantage from investment in it. The question arises as to how can a business owner incorporate social media in his plans! Social media can be leveraged in many ways so that your business goals are fulfilled. There are different points of action, where social media integration can help. These include strategy, customer service, branding and promotion, as part of corporate communications, market research and survey, conversation marketing etc. By itself, social media may not be enough but in combination with other tools, it can prove to be a potent business tool. Companies can best use social media tools like Tweetdeck, Likeable Hub and Sendible effectively, when they have a strategy which is tailored in line with their organizational goals. Developing such a strategy will ensure that you determine your target audience, the kinds of social media technology which will help your business in achieving its goals in the long run. Ensure that your objectives are measurable. Many surveys also report that there is some confusion in companies as to which department is responsible for social media management – PR, social media marketing trends branding and communication, marketing, sales , customer service? This can cause confusion and conflicts in implementation of business plans. So before integrating social media into your business plan, it is important to determine who will be managing social media usage and demarcate the roles accordingly. There may be a single social media team who may have to liaise with different departments to ensure that goals are translated.

Integration with branding and advertising

Social media can also be used fruitfully by the advertising and promotion department to enhance the visibility and presence of your brand on the internet. They have to build awareness of the brand in the market, but again building this awareness needs to social media marketing new york be tied up with marketing goals. You can integrate social media with search marketing efforts, email (social and email can be used in a complementary way) to promote and drive your brand’s presence across the web. You can use Twitter or Facebook to promote your page and your company. You can carry out online activities, encourage public participation and thus give more visibility to your company. Social media also provides a great way to listen in on customer conversations regarding your brand, products, services, etc. and you can obtain a lot of data, which can be used to tailor new branding strategies. Hence, you need to integrate social media listening into your branding strategy. Social media listening is carried out by the use of keywords which are specific to your business/service/product/brand and has social media marketing pdf to be related to trade/industry/special events/location/etc. Social media marketing can be added to your marketing strategy arsenal after you have done an audit of your current marketing efforts and see where social media implementation can be of great benefit.

Integration with marketing

Social media is considered to be an increasingly important component of a company’s marketing strategy. Yet, many companies still consider it separately and earmark funds for it on a separate basis. Here are some suggestions on how to better use social in your marketing strategy. There are a wide variety of social media tools out there and many are on the way. It can get a little bit difficult for companies to decide which to use. There is a simple way to social marketing media do this: choose that tool which best fits your marketing strategy and can enhance its success. Do not select a tool just on the basis of its appeal. It has to be one that helps the marketing side reach its goals and influences its strategy – basically, adding value to it. Also, when using a social media tool for a particular marketing strategy, connect it with an achievable desirable customer-related objective. For example, its usage should increase chances of customers opting to purchase or some other kind of measurable objective. Social media is of great importance in the area of customer service. If you want to really know and understand what customers are thinking and saying about your brand or service, use your social media as a listening tool. It is, thus, a conversation management and follow-up tool. The kind of feedback you get on social media can actually provide you some idea of how well your customer service is doing. If your customer service is doing poorly, you will be bound to social media for marketing hear about it on social media. What is more important is how you respond to that feedback and use it to improve your business strategies and service. Improvements would be duly noted and shared. Thus, social media when integrated with customer service can provide a great way of getting your thumb on the pulse of customers’ opinions and views. In conclusion, social media can help business organizations in different ways in implementation of their business goals. Hence, it needs to be systematically integrated into the business strategy plan.