Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How can I measure the success of my social-media marketing efforts?

It's important to continually track your social-media marketing metrics in order to gauge which tactics and types of posts work and which don't. Some social platforms offer their own metrics. Facebook, for instance, gives Page administrators access to Page Insights data for free. These tell you how many people are interacting with your posts. You can use the data to better plan future posts and decide on the most effective ways to connect with social media marketing university your fans and followers. LinkedIn provides similar analytics for company pages. Use Google Analytics to see how effective your social-media campaigns are at driving traffic to your main website or online store. If you see Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or other social platforms you're active on listed as top referrers to your site, your social-media efforts are not for naught. Porterfield says there aren't any surefire tricks to earn fans' and followers' dollars, though some tactics seem to work better than others. For instance, Facebook ads can be an easy, inexpensive way to grow your fan base, increase engagement and collect sales leads. It's up to you to convert those sales leads. Porterfield also suggests implementing a cross-platform contest that integrates what is social media marketing several social channels, like Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Pinterest. Sweepstakes that offer rewards that resonate with your target market can be effective in attracting potential customers. To drive consumers to your online store, for example, you might send a tweet that describes a contest on your Facebook Page with a link to the rules and entry form found within your online store.

Keys to Creating a Social Media Plan

With social networks becoming more and more ingrained in everyday business communication and gaining widespread acceptance as a marketing channel, your company needs to know how to connect with your consumer base. So, do you have a plan around social media? With dozens of social networks that each offer unique benefits, the natural inclination is to jump on every platform, but unless you have multiple social media managers, the most effective way to social media marketing jobs communicate is to prioritize and create a business plan around social. With a strategy, you can target your time and effort to not only show up to the social party, but build real relationships with your connections. There is a difference between using social media, utilizing it correctly, and leveraging it for the needs and goals of your busines. Studies indicate that 33% of consumers use social networks as a way they discover new brands, products or services, and if you're not doing social media the right way, it's really easy for a consumer to be put off and move on. Perhaps your business has a Facebook page, but it isn't engaging with your fans. There's the corporate Twitter account, but there's only 14 tweets in the last year. And does it make sense for your small business to be invested in Pinterest if the account has been dormant? Businesses jumping in without a plan happens more often than not because it's simple to register with an email, choose a handle, and go through the motions. The successful have more than just a presence, they've not only developed a strong social media plan but allot real resources for each social media and marketing network to engage and grow their user base. With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, SlideShare, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr, and more, how do you choose which networks to plan around? It's a common dilemma that faces thousands of business owners everyday.

Realistic Metrics for Social Media Success

In order to achieve success, you first need to define what success will look like on social media. Take a critical look at how you use social media now. Has it been working for you? Are you able to see any growth as a result? Do you know how to measure that growth? Now, ask yourself what it is that you want to accomplish. Common social media goals can be enhancing customer awareness, promoting staff accomplishments, and sharing information social media marketing agency about your company. Whatever your end-goals may be, try to break them down into easily definable and measurable objectives. Be specific when you do this, so that you’ll be able to see definitively what is moving you towards completing these objectives. As you get more of a feel for what social marketing is capable of, and what you need it to do for you, you’ll be able to refine your goals and make them more realistic. Also, this is a great time to review your overall marketing plan as you look for ways to increase your social media presence. Who is reaching out to you on social and is already, organically engaging with your brand? How can you nurture and grow that community in an authentic way that also supports your team's overall marketing efforts? What other methods could you use social media marketing company to connect with your audience, and how could you link your efforts to make them more effective? Define these personas and remember that they will determine your success or failure, so make sure that you know who they are, and how to best connect with them.

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