Can a Financial Institution “Just say No” to Social Media?
This provision of the FFIEC guidance says that a financial institution should have a social media risk management program. It also says that even if the institution opts out of active participation in social media that it should be able to evaluate and respond to negative comments and complaints on social media. It seems clear that the FFIEC does not think it is reasonable for a financial institution to ignore social media. While the guidance
marketing social media appears to leave the door open to the idea of “opting out”, in practice, it will be impossible to “identify, measure, monitor and control risks related to social media”, much less to “evaluate and respond to negative comments and complaints” without a tool like GREMLN. The risk management program should be designed with participation from specialists in compliance, technology, information security, legal, human resources, and marketing. Financial institutions should also provide guidance and training for employee official use of social media. GREMLN software is designed to allow financial institutions to align the team and
benefits of social media marketing the team’s engagement on social media with the FFIEC Social Media Risk Management Plan guidance. While GREMLN doesn’t provide risk management consulting services, setting your team up on GREMLN is an effective means of putting an FFIEC compliant Risk Management Plan into practice.
Managed Security Services
Security is an inherently dynamic process. Unlike other areas of IT infrastructure, where it is possible to leave applications or data essentially unchanged for significant periods, it is impossible to take an “install it and forget it” approach to security. Vulnerabilities, threats, exploits, product bugs, patches, network configurations, application environments, and hacker tools all change constantly, making enterprise IT security a highly complex
social media marketing for small business undertaking.Enterprise security is becoming ever more complex and dynamic. The complexity is caused both by business drivers and technology drivers. The number of vulnerabilities is rising fast, and the time between the announcement of vulnerabilities and their exploitation is shrinking. Many enterprise security groups are in permanent crisis mode as they struggle to cope with the complexity, especially at a time of flat budgets and compressed resources. 3SC World’s Managed Security Services are a methodical approach to manage an organization’s security. The services we offer can be in house or outsourced
social media marketing job description to 3SC WORLD where we will care of client network and information system security. 3SC World’s Managed Security Service include 24/7 monitoring and management of intrusion detection systems and firewalls, overseeing patch management and upgrades, performing security assessments and security audits, and responding to emergencies.
Security Architecture Review
A security architecture review is an analysis of an organization's technical infrastructure, specifically focusing on the framework of security controls that protect systems, networks, and information, from unauthorized access, compromise, or manipulation . Our staff reviews documentation and conducts interviews focusing on the design and the reasons for various design decisions. Topics generally include: identification and authentication,
using social media for marketing authorization/access control, password management, security event logging, intrusion detection and reporting, firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, operating system maintenance, application configurations, emergency response, data backup and archiving, contingency planning, operations procedures and change control. ?Secure Ideas then evaluates this information holistically to understand the effectiveness of the controls, identifying vulnerabilities, compensating controls, and providing recommendations to improve the overall security posture of the organization. For many organizations, most of their employees do not need to understand the details of how the technology they use everyday actually works, all they need to know is how to use it to get their jobs done. Nor do they understand why
social media marketing strategies their technology is so constrained with all the security "rules" that are required to use the technology. It is this lack of technical and security knowledge that makes them prime targets for a pervasive type of attack known as social engineering. Secure Ideas can test the knowledge and readiness of your entire staff through social engineering assessments performed either virtually (phone, email) and/or physically (onsite). ?Similar to attacks on an organization's computing or network environment, social engineering attacks focus on weaknesses found in human behavior, weak processes and procedures, and a lack of awareness or understanding of good security principles. Understanding these weaknesses aids an organization in addressing the gaps by improving their user awareness program, security trainings, policies, processes, and procedures. In order to minimize the ability or effectiveness of a social engineering attack.
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