Google Will Love

How to Build a Blog That Google Will Love

This week I’m fortunate enough to be speaking about blog SEO at the Design Blogger Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. When I was asked to speak at the conference, I was actually kind of surprised that they were looking for someone to cover the topic. In my experience, a lot of bloggers, and people in general really, have a bit of a negative view of SEO. While the SEO industry has certainly earned its reputation over the years, it seems that lately opinions are moving in a more positive direction. I think this is awesome because I know SEO can really help bloggers. Ranking well in organic search is one of the best ways to share social media marketing course your voice with a larger audience and increase your authority on a given topic. My goal here is to help bloggers understand that SEO is simply a tool, not the mystical black art that many have sold it to be. When you do SEO right, it really doesn’t need to impact your writing much at all. Once you learn the basics, it just sort of becomes something you do naturally without having to think about it very much. In my experience, the places where most b2b social media marketing bloggers struggle are keyword targeting, strategic link-building, and technical SEO. When I say technical SEO, I mean indexation problems, meta issues, and most of the other things that our SEO audits address. None of these things should change the way you write significantly. Keyword targeting can be as simple as doing a bit of research to make sure you mention the right words a few times throughout your posts. Technical SEO sounds complicated, and can be sometimes, but if you’re a blogger using WordPress, chances are it’s actually a lot simpler than you think. Strategic link-building can be a bit tricky, but as a blogger you have a distinct advantage over other website owners in this area.

How To Increase Blog Traffic In Any Niche Without Google

Many new website owners and bloggers hope to use SEO to generate floods of traffic. More often than not they fail to get any rankings or traffic and often destroy their own site through spamming it with links. This article is meant to show you some of the possibilities outside of Google and SEO. I'm talking about viral traffic in the hundreds and thousands of visitors like I told you in my last guest post here. I also want to emphasize the power social media marketing plans of guest posting and also tell you about some lesser known traffic generation techniques. In the end, it all comes down to the people you know and the network you're able to leverage. Find out how to tap into traffic sources you might not have heard of before or just never thought it would benefit your business. These exact tactics enabled me to jumpstart my blog and get over 15 000 visitors in the first three months online without having a mailing list or other connections. I briefly mentioned this technique in my viral blog blueprint last time, but I have perfected it since. In addition to being popular, WordPress is also the most social media marketing podcast SEO-friendly CMS I’ve ever worked with. Without doing anything extra, simply using WordPress will improve your chances of ranking. This is because it has a lot of basic SEO functionality, such as pretty permalinks and contextual page titles, built right in. When you add and configure an SEO plugin like WordPress SEO by Yoast, you’ll have a ton of common on-site SEO problems taken care of before you even start optimizing your content.

How to Use SEO to Optimize a Wordpress Blog

WordPress is an open-source blogging platform and Content Management System (CMS). Your WordPress real estate social media marketing blog can be hosted on the WordPress site or it can appear on your own site using the WordPress program, which is available for download at With over 875 million WordPress blogs in existence, you must use Internet marketing strategies, if you want to increase the number of readers on your site. You should post consistently, link to your social media accounts and use Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is the practice of increasing the visibility of a website, by using keywords and tags that help the content to appear highly in Internet search results. You can hire someone to edit your content to provide you with SEO, or you can learn to do it yourself by following certain rules as you post. There are different processes for optimization when wording a hosted social media marketing blogs blog and a self-hosted blog. This article will tell you how to use SEO to optimize a WordPress Blog. Many people have turned towards this profession as it is demanding and also money making. Many people do blogging either as part time or full time and earn good amount. But it is not necessary that all flourish in this blog world. Professional blogging requires good language and viewpoints that need to be provided to the reader. It should interest them and make them read new topics written by the same writer.

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